‘Chiropractic is the practice of wholeness.’


Vitalistic Chiropractic

Chiropractic is the philosophy, art, & science of living life naturally that is centered around the body’s innate ability to heal from within. The premise of vitalism recognizes that all life is intelligent; that we are much more than just a blend of chemical reactions and bodily functions. Vitalistic chiropractic care is a purely holistic approach: we acknowledge the that the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components of life intertwine indistinguishably to shape & influence the health of the nervous system, which further is reflected in general health as a whole.

At the heart of this work is the recognition that the state of the central nervous system determines the state we live life from. The nervous system (brain + spinal cord) is what breathes life into all the different systems and processes of the body, and further helps to assimilate (process) the variety of stress experienced in life. When the ability to adapt to life’s stresses exceeds the nervous systems ability to process it, we experience structural and physiological changes in our system. These adverse changes create compensation patterns called subluxations in our nervous system. Simply put, subluxations are the physical manifestation of accumulated stress. Subluxations are accumulative and regenerative, meaning that if not removed, they will continue to add strain to our system in obscurity & create interference between the brain-body communication highway. This interference causes centers in the brain to become limited in their ability to freely exchange information, which, over time diminishes innate healing potential & the expedites the development of various symptoms or conditions. These accumulative subluxation patterns are what we locate and release in an honoring way through the chiropractic adjustment.

Health freedom (independence) is our natural state. Our most true expression of health is a system that not bogged down by stress and is free of interference. The clearing of these patterns help to restore balance to the body, maximize health expression, and bring the system as a whole into a state of coherence, harmony, and well-being through neurological freedom.

Here at The House we use a multitude of different systems & approaches to meet your individual needs. The adjustments we deliver range from low amplitude forces to deep structural applications depending on what your body is expressing in that moment. Our goal is health freedom: to reconnect you back to the innate intelligence that is the source of all living phenomenon- allowing you the opportunity to rediscover what life feels like when your system is functioning at it’s highest capacity.

First Visit

Your first visit will start with a conversation centered around you and your general health. During this time we encourage any questions or comments you may have about your health, our care, or anything you feel is relevant to your well-being. After, we will begin your first adjustment. The adjustment begins with specific touch and a tonal analysis to fully assess the state of your nervous system. During your adjustment, you will notice different kinds of touch: sometimes lighter and more energetic, sometimes deeper and more structural, and sometimes longer holds to unwind the craniosacral system. Each different quality of touch corresponds to the different types of tissues in your body that could be involved with any symptoms you may be experiencing. In addition to feeling physical changes following your session, you may also become aware of stored emotions, toxins or memories coming up to the surface for processing. All of these are normal and healthy effects of your adjustment.

During and following your session we invite you to feel what is different in your body, ‘good’ or ‘bad’ are relative following your first (few) visits, as any change you experience is a indication that your body is starting to reorganize and the healing process is initiated. Explore what is different in your body, reconnect to the healing power within. If you are ready for a new chiropractic experience, click here to book your spot on the table.