Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take insurance?

We are proud to serve our community as a wellness based cash practice. Working independent of insurance companies allows us the freedom to provide individualized care; care that isn’t dictated by your insurance provider. Cultivating care that is tailored to you and/or your family’s specific needs is the highest priority for us. However, we do accept most HSA and FSA payments.

What does care look like after my first visit?

It is our goal to offer the most well-rounded care for anyone who is wanting to maximize their health potential through nervous system health and regulation, and for that reason we offer membership options. The membership option allows for affordable + consistent care that makes it possible for chiropractic care to integrate into your lifestyle. The membership option is not required to recieve care****, but it is the avenue that we have created to help you reach your health and wellness potential. If the below options do not work for you, we provide different options for you based on your own unique circumstances.

What are the differences between open and private adjustments?

We incorporated private adjustments in as a way to better serve infants, toddlers, and families. We found that a barrier in offering the best care we could, to everyone in our practice, was not being able to meet infants and toddlers with the focused attention they need and deserve. Opposed to working them in with the open adjusting, we are now requiring that infants and toddlers, who are not quite old enough to lay down on the table and follow directions (0-5ish), to be booked through private sessions. Private sessions allow for a quiet, focused environment that allows Dr. Chris to be fully present with you and your child so that you can be best cared for. When you book a private session, Dr. Chris, Chloe, you and your family will be the only ones in our space. Though this was initially intended for infants and toddlers, we also encourage individuals who are wanting to work through more complex patterns and health situations to utilize the private sessions. These sessions allow us to include a variety of adjustment approaches such as craniosacral adjusting, deep tonal work, somatic inquiry, etc.

Open sessions allow for easy and economic scheduling for your ongoing chiropratic care. 1 table is booked every 15 minutes, with the possibility of visits overlapping eachother. After checking in with you, Dr. Chris will assess your system and start your adjusting process. Using specific contacts and adjustments, typically working from light to deep touch, Dr. Chris utilizes an intuitive process of unlocking tension patterns stored in and around your spine, allowing your nerve system to unfold and reorganize.

What are the membership options and how do they work?

The membership option is a once a month, recurring payment that allows for a certain number of allotted visits. Though it is an automatic payment, we always allow for month to month flexibility. **The membership options are not mandatory to receive care here, but they are the most economical. We have differnt options for the monthly membership, the options are listed below:

single visits (not membership): adult: 70 | child 0-5: 65 | Child 5-17: 55

adult 4 visits per month: 195 | Adult 2 visits per month: 115

child 4 private visits per month: 210 | Child 2 private visits per month: 120

Adult + child 4 visits each per month: 320 (open), 360 (private) | adult + child 2 visits each per month: 190 (open), 220 (private)

Student/child 5-17 y/o 4 visits per month: 165 | student/child 5-17 y/o 2 visits per month: 100

We offer more options for families of 3 or more that can be discussed upon request. We find tremendous value in offering care that is affordable and allows for chiropractic care to be financially attainable to most everyone. However, We always welcome open and honest conversations regarding finances.

Why would my child need to see a chiropractor?

During the first few years of life your child is molding a foundation that will be build upon for the rest of their life. At 2 years old your child’s nervous system will be 90% developed, creating neurological connections that shape who they will become. This is the most crucial point in their life. It is our goal to support your children's development by helping to cultivate a healthy start to their life as they grow in and experience the world around them.

My baby has a tongue tie/lip tie. Can chiropractic help?

A tongue tie is like an iceberg. There is ice above the water that you can visibly see, but the majority of it is underwater, and you can't tell exactly how big/wide it is. Similarly, the tongue tie the structure that we can objectively see in the mouth, but it actually has direct, deeper connections & tethers to the rest of the midline fascial system, extending down through the airway, lungs, diaphragm, pelvis, all the way into the toes. So with the understanding that a tongue tie is not just a tongue issue, it is a global midline issue, we take a full body approach to help release the entire midline to bring more space, freedom, and ease into your baby's body. the mouth is a representation of the midline, and vise versa: a restricted mouth means a restricted midline, and conversely a free midline equates to a free mouth!

Global midline work is essentail in the unwinding that has to take place for your baby to begin to thrive and properly develop in the world in and around them. Simply getting a laser/scissor tie release without the global release is generally not the answer: if the source of the tethering is not addressed then there is always potential for re-growth.

Here are some sources that Dr. Chris recommends for parents to read:

Toes to Tongue: the whole body connection (article)

Tongue Tied (book)