Prenatal, Pregnancy + Postpartum Care

Whether you are currently trying to conceive or already pregnant, having a regulated nervous system helps to create the optimal environment for a healthy pregnancy for both mom and baby. Your body is innately designed to be able to conceive, develop, and birth your child independently. Do you think the intelligence that developed a living baby from a single cell in 9 months would create a baby it couldn’t birth? Of course not. Pregnancy/birth is a normal physiological process. The role of Chiropractic care during your pregnancy is utilized to assist the body as it integrates the rapid changes that are occurring daily so that your brain can clearly communicate with all of the different systems of your body. When your brain and body can freely exchange energy and information, connection, ease, and healing follows.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not normal to be in aches, pains, vomiting, sleepless, etc. Your pregnancy can be different. Whether you are determined to have a VBAC, this is your first pregnancy, or even a planned c-section, chiropractic care allows for proper function of the pelvis, sacrum, and surrounding structures to support full body balance and proper baby positioning.

Chiropractic care has been shown to help in all aspects of the pregnancy and postpartum period: from increasing the ability to conceive to a quicker, less painful delivery (research) to your ability to recover after giving birth. In the same way the body navigates changes during pregnancy, after birth the body starts to re-adapt to the new normal while hormones and soft tissues heal. Increasing your nervous system function can help to bring balance to the body by facilitating your body to heal and adapt more efficiently.

Dr. Chris is Webster’s Certified:

Webster’s Certified Practitioners


Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth

Reclaiming Childbirth as a Rite of Passage

Well Adjusted Babies

Individuals + Families

Chiropractic care was not originally founded as a method to alleviate symptoms, but rather a method to enhance your life expression. Whether you are experiencing specific health concerns or are seeking to maximize your health potential, we are here to serve you. Our focus is on helping your body function at its highest level by removing interference in your nervous system through specific chiropractic adjustments.  When interference in your body is removed, the effects are boundless. We acknowledge the body, mind and soul as one. Our goal is to help you live life more fully and connected to your experiences, your environment, and the people around you: including your family. This is, in part, a reason why we encourage to see the entire family for care. We have found that families who experience neurological shifts together grow and form a deeper familial bond, extending the healing potential to the entire family unit. After all, Chiropractic is about life, and it can be a powerful vehicle for allowing you to make subtle yet profound shifts in the way you live and view life on all levels. Regardless of age, background, walk of life: we are passionate about health freedom for each and every person in our community who is seeking it themselves.



Babies + Thriving Kids

Here at The House we offer intentional care to meet your infant, toddler, pre-teen or teenager exactly where they are at. We see your kids for who they are and who they can be, not the labels that have been placed on them. Regardless of what your child might be experiencing, we know that each child has a story to tell. It is our calling is to listen to the messages their body is sending so that we can provide the care they truly need.

While the pregnancy/birthing process is nothing short of miraculous, often times trauma is associated that can cause newborns a significant amount of stress to their developing nervous system (research). We see babies experiencing many different signs of neurological stress, the more common including: tongue tie/lip tie/buccal tie (learn more here), colic, nursing difficulties, ear infections, mouth breathing, excessive arching/rigidity, sleeping troubles, asthma, constipation, behavioral inconsistencies, etc. If not released, this initial stress stays trapped and unintegrated- altering the way that their nervous system develops and further manifests itself in different, more severe ways as they age. Contrary to popular belief, children do not ‘grow out of’ conditions or symptoms, but grow into new ones that are more age specific.

Our children are innately designed to be adaptive, independent, and healthy. All of this naturally flows from a system that is adaptable to life and it’s inevitable demands. Our passion is firmly rooted in restoring the global integrity of our children’s nervous system, supporting their mental and physical growth, development, and overall well-being.

Below are some listed resources that can be used to learn more about Dr. Chris’ process and the overall role that chiropractic care has in caring for your child’s health.

Cranial Fascial Work

International Chiropractic Pediatric Association

Makin Miracles - Connecting Kids and Chiropractic

Well Adjusted Babies - Children & Chiropractic